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Can we apperciate God

We cannot apperciate the magitude of Gods gift of eternal life untill we first un wht he did on the cross we need to love jesus christ...

Ps 103 Benefits

What are those benefits? Psalm 103 spells them out: 1. He forgives all your sins. 2. He heals all your diseases. 3. He redeems your life...

A fool Says there is No God

Psalms 14:1 A fool says in his heart there is no God there is no not one man that dose good Let me warn you about something though....

Prayer For The Word and All

Good Morning Holy Ghost 🌞 3rd Day of the Pentecost Fast God of the Resurrection we Worship you Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ the...

Love and Trust Go together

Love and Trust go together By Rev Evangelist Justin Davis Glory to God Ministries “We must always aim at those things that bring peace...

The Darkside of Bible Prophecy 

The Dark Side Of Bible Prophecy Contributed by Rev Evangelist Justin Davis Wed Jan 15 2020 Scripture: Genesis 6:1-5 Summary: Over the...

The Beast: Who will Worship it?

The Beast: Who Will Worship It? Table of Contents1.Who Will Worship It?2.The Final Conflict3.The Battle Over Worship4.Secular...

5G & The Antichrist 

5G & The Antichrist By Rev Evangeilist Justin Davis What is 5G? Does it have prophetic ramifications? What is 1g, 2G,3G, and 4G? What...

Prophecy: God,s Eternal Drama

Prophecy: God’s Eternal Drama ShareTweetPin Prophecy is God’s eternal drama. It is the unrolling of God’s plan for the ages. When God...

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