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  • Writer's pictureRev Evangelist Justin

Prayer For The Word and All

Good Morning Holy Ghost 🌞

3rd Day of the Pentecost Fast

God of the Resurrection we Worship you Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ the Righteousness.

Lord God Almighty Resurrect Holiness in my Life in the name of Jesus Christ..Selah

Lord God Almighty Resurrect Life to the Body of Jesus name we pray amen..

Lord God Almighty Resurrect New Holy Things in our life, Family, and Ministry...

Lord God Almighty Resurrect Dead Marriages in Jesus name we pray amen...

Lord God Almighty Resurrect Dead Ministries to become embassies for the Lord Jesus Christ..

Lord God Almighty Resurrect Families to be Saved and Saintified and filled with the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus Christ..

Lord God Almighty Resurrect True Holiness unto the Churches in the name of Jesus Christ..

Resurrect Holy Relationships in the name of Jesus Christ

Father Resurrect all the sheep Baruch haba B'shem Adoni Please in this Group add new sheep to the fold admin please if possible post end time prophecy end Time news in this group, Recover and Resurrect every backslider in Jesus name we pray amen..

Resurrect and let Glory To God Ministries rise for your kingdom in the Mighty name of Yeshua Hamashach

Good afternoon here in the Texas and in to the United States of America and Evening in all country,s and Good Next day in Australia 🌞😊✨🙏😇

Focus Scripture: ```Matthew 21:22 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith```

Topic: May I be free to speak?

In the scripture we are reminded that faith is the avenue by which we get whatever we want. Of we pray and plead with God whilst having faith then our request will be granted. When we pray it's important that we pray, have faith and leave it at the foot of Jesus. When we leave it there by faith he will take care of it for us. In this time of disaster and turmoil let's not loose faith but let's know that God will take care of us. Let's have faith that this too shall pass if we just have a little faith and leave it in God's hands. Let's lean on his promises that says: *"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will heal their land."* Our God isn't slack conserning his promises so let's keep the faith and keep living for him for as long as he blows breathe through our undeserving bodies. We are free to speak, to approach his throne but with faith.

Prayer 🙏🙌

Sovereign Lord, Creator of the heavens and master architect of the world we come to you with humble hearts. We come at your mercy seat begging for you to pity us. We approach the throne of grace with meekness knowing how undeserving we are of your grace and mercy. Help us Lord to strengthen our faith. Help us to exercise faith even when we can't see a way with our physical eyes. Help us to know that whatever we ask from you, it must be asked with the application of faith and we will receive. Help us to go through the day with this scripture in our hearts with the confidence that you will heal our land. Thank you Father for all you've done and be ever near us in this time.


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