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  • Writer's pictureRev Evangelist Justin

5G & The Antichrist 

5G & The Antichrist By Rev Evangeilist Justin Davis What is 5G? Does it have prophetic ramifications? What is 1g, 2G,3G, and 4G? What about 6G, 7G, and 10G? Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill tied some of these technologies to the Antichrist--could there be any truth to that? Could some of these new technologies assist in the fulfillment of prophecies related to Revelation 13, buying and selling, and 666? Are there health risks associated with 5G? What have some suggested? Will these technologies only provide benefits or might the Beast and Antichrist use them for harm? A related article of related interest is available titled "‘What will a 5G mobile phone be capable of?’ and ‘Russian Patriarch Warns ‘Antichrist’ Will Control Humans Through Gadgets’" URL: and internet Cellular networks are a possibility for The Antichrist to use it for new world order and Deceiving people and REFID MICROCHIP IMPLANT Beloved give your life to Jesus Accept his salvation Say this Prayer Lord Jesus iam a sinner forgive me for my sins i accept you as my Lord and savior i repent of my sins come into my Heart baptize me with the Holy Spirit . Contact me : or call me 930-734-6826

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