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  • Writer's pictureRev Evangelist Justin

Catholics and Protestants to face A Common enemy

By Rev Evangeilist Justin Davis

The Call to UNITE Catholics and Protestants to Face a 'Common Enemy' (August 2019)

"Instead of focusing on their philosophical and historical differences, American Catholics and Protestants should UNITE to confront common enemies who jeopardize their religious freedom, the director and producer of a new film about the Cold War argues ... 'The Divine Plan', which can be described as part documentary and part stage play, tells the story of the partnership between the Reagan White House and the Vatican under Pope John Paul II. The strong friendship that emerged between the Protestant president and the Catholic pope figures prominently in the story telling ... Reagan drew from the Protestant faith of his mother Nelle Reagan. But his father was Catholic, and Reagan maintained close associations with many prominent Catholics throughout his political career. These key figures include William Casey, Reagan's CIA director, William Clark, a longtime adviser to Reagan, Richard Allen, a national security adviser, and Vernon Walters, a retired Army general who was Reagan's second ambassador to the United Nations. These individuals all played a role in fostering ties between the Reagan White House and the Vatican, Orlando said. He also points out that it was Reagan who restored full diplomatic ties with the Vatican for the first time in 117 years." (source)

Would you see Elijah proudly standing with the messengers of Baal, trying to find some 'common ground' with them? Would you see Elijah participate in joint-worship services offered to Jehovah, Molech, Dagon, Marduk, Tammuz, Ashtoreth and Baal? Not a chance! Elijah had a straight message from the Lord to give ... "ye have forsaken the commandments of the Lord, and thou hast followed Baalim." (1 Kings 18:18)

Notice the name of the film? 'The Divine Plan' - So the unity between the Papacy and Protestants is being touted as a 'divine plan.' Oh how Satan has deceived the churches into thinking that it is God's will and His plan for the Protestant Churches to unite with the Roman Catholic Church, for the 'common good' of man. But Bible prophecy tells us that this isn't God's plan at all. It is not a 'divine plan' to unite the churches with that Mother of Harlots. It is an evil plan, with Satan as the mastermind behind it.

What did the Protestant reformation do? It stopped 'religious unity' in it's tracks! ..."Religious unity had fractured with the survival and spread of Protestantism ... The Protestant reformation destroyed the concept of a world order sustained by the 'two swords' of Papacy and empire."(Henry Kissinger, World Order, p.3,20). And THAT was God's 'divine plan', NOT this ecumenical movement today.

The churches are fallen! It's time to COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE! Please heed God's warning and come out of Babylon. We do not need the churches of the world. God's TRUE church are those who 'keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.' (Rev.14:12). All we need is JESUS CHRIST as we are COMPLETE IN CHRIST.

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