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  • Writer's pictureRev Evangelist Justin

Aknowledge God!


Do you know God are you sick and tired have you and where you work:

The Bible say that

No wepon formed against me shall prosper

God Bless you all in the Mighty name of Yeshua Hamashiach Shalom to you on this beautiful Shabbat.

Shalom Baruch Haba B'Shem Adonai

IAM praying for you and your family and ur Job

Device of Saten will no be able to penetrate my

Ministry in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ are you Christian,s how may People In world Acknowledge God In every day Life and rely upon God for there Jobs and invetagations not may only a few my grandad Agent Jack Laverne Sheley used to be an FBI and also A Texas ranger and a mighty Man of Integrity and Man of God

God used. My Grandad he never did the Devil's advocate work or was a pawn of Saten. Or was ever used by the Devil.

Jack was anointed by God he was like Paul in so many ways. Beloved FBI reach out to Jesus Eternal reconsider Christianity come back to your first love and ur Job will be less stressefull work for God not Government

United States of America Government workforce are now makking people who work in America and Texas tkae the REFID MICROCHIP IMPLANTS this is Corrupt and part of the Mark of Beast Mandatory Death penalty here in Untied States of America and Beheadings The Mark of the Beast Rev 13:18 REFID MICROCHIP IMPLANTS are being pushed by The White House and Senate law's and By Approval from President Trump

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