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  • Writer's pictureRev Evangelist Justin


Updated: Jul 18, 2019

Hi everyone this is Rev Evangelist Justin Davis I would like to warn you. In what the Bible says about the Mark of the Beast and refid MICROCHIP IMPLANTS in Rev 13:18. Read all Revelations In your spare time.

{!!!WARNING!!!!} Don't take this is the Mark of the Beast In the KJV Rev 13:18 Beloved

It happing around the world and Global it's time to let the USA and the World in what God has revelee to me in these last few days to let you know don't follow in worldy ways and it's trends and new best things. Its not .What God has in store for us who follow him and are Saved. Dr Oz promotes the REFID Chips as the next best thing and Saten is using him as a pawn so is Oprah and her Ministry are fake and false Prophecy and lead lots of people to eternal damnation look at this video.

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