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  • Writer's pictureRev Evangelist Justin

Passion Of God

My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips.

Psalm 63:5

Worship satisfies your soul.  

Worship satisfies your soul because God satisfies your soul.  Just as delicious food satisfies the stomach, heartfelt worship satisfies the soul.  

You are hungry for worship.  You are hungry for worship because you are longing for God.  In worship, you encounter God.  

You are hungry for God because you are made in the image of God.  You are an imagebearer.  An immortal being.  Only God can satisfy the soul of an immortal being made in God’s image.   

Augustine gave expression to his passion for God when he wrote:  

You flashed, you shone;  and you chased away my blindness. You became fragrant;       and I inhaled and sighed for you. I tasted,       and now hunger and thirst for you. You touched me;       and I burned for your embrace.  

Nothing else will satisfy your soul cravings.  Not marriage.  Not a child.  Not riches.  Not things.  Not a new car.  Not a vacation.  Not a dream house.  Not a sport or hobby.  Not sexual pleasure.  Not food.  Not alcohol.  Not a sleeker body.  Not plastic surgery.  Not retirement.  Not a getaway.  Not anything.

Only God.  

God alone.

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